At the end of every Ramadan, the easyDonate team eagerly awaits the donation figures our products have helped Masaajids raise. Although we have previously shared these figures, we have never made them publicly available. However, this year, we want to showcase just how effective our donation tools are and the impact they can have on your fundraising efforts.
We are aware that the Muslim community in the UK, like many others, is facing financial difficulties. According to the Muslim Census, the cost of living crisis has hit our community hard. Therefore, we and many of our partners were uncertain about how successful fundraising for Mosques and their communities would be during Ramadan.
The Numbers
Despite all these challenges, during Ramadan 2023, our easyDonate Kiosk & Online helped over 180 Masaajids in the UK collect an impressive total of £812,860 from 45,905 donations. These funds will support new projects, mosque maintenance and upgrades, loan repayments, and charitable causes. As Muslims ourselves, we understand how valuable this money will be to our partners and how much it will improve communities across the UK, from Edinburgh to Bournemouth.
We are proud that 18 Mosques raised over £10,000 through easyDonate Kiosk, with 6 of them raising £20,000+ and 1 raising an impressive £33,000.
Gift Aid
15% of all donations were eligible for gift aid (not GASDS), which offers the potential for an additional £30,360.32 of income for Mosques with minimal effort required, thanks to our easy-to-use portal and reporting. In addition, 34,000+ donations were eligible for GASDS.
To process payments, SumUp, our partnered payment processor, takes a fee of 1.69% from all transactions. However, we provide users with the option to pay this fee on top of their donation, ensuring that the charity receives the full amount intended. Out of 45,905 donations, 19,192 opted to pay these fees.
We encourage Mosques to continue accepting cash donations while using our products as a supplement to reach a wider range of donors, from young to old. Our products simply make donating easier and more accessible for a wider range of people.
Ramadan 2022
In the previous year, during the month of Ramadan, we raised a total of over £520,000, with each charity earning an average of roughly £3,850. This year, we were able to increase the total raised figure by an astonishing 44%, even with the addition of more Mosques to our platform. Furthermore, we were able to increase the average amount earned per charity.
Overall, we are confident in our product and its capabilities, as we have learned and perfected how religious communities in the UK donate over the years. Contact us today to set up a digital donation solution before Eid al-Adha and boost your fundraising efforts for the rest of the year.